Compiled by Anthony Sewards
2772 images plus 30+ videos on a second DVD
This DVD of the Leopard 2 CAN project contains material that comes from first-hand knowledge of the original 2A6M CAN which was replaced in service in Afghanistan from October 2010 by the 2A4M CAN. The Canadian Armed Forces withdrew from Afghanistan in July 2011. Also included is the 2A4 which will largely take over the roles of the Leopard C2.
The information collected on this DVD comes from multiple sources: from serving and former members of the Canadian Military, Combat Camera and from friends. Permission has been granted for this project to use their images and certain material from Leopard technical manuals.
Photo files contain a wealth of information that will help the viewer obtain the right information about Canada's Leopard 2s - plus Word documents explaining deployments to Afghanistan, modifications and much more.