These are the original style 4 + 4 launchers used on most Leo 2s.
Although this set is designed for use with Leopard 2, it can be used with any modern German vehicle.
It removes the tedium of cleaning up those fiddly plastic items with their mould seams.
The chains are much finer than the ones you find on most general vehicle etch sets.
Also, some kit launchers are a little on the skinny side, particularly Meng.
Parts list
16 Smoke launchers
Etch fret with 16 fine chains
Snip off the launchers from the pour block and clean up.
Carefully glue them to the launch rails, taking careful note of the angles.
The top row of launchers all face forward. On the bottom row, the front launcher also faces forwards with
the other three at increasing angles. See the photos overleaf.
The chains have a circular link at one end and a tab plus circular link at the other.
Choose the circular link and carefully glue this over the nipple on the launcher cap.
Repeat four times per side and allow to dry thoroughly.
With tweezers or a scalpel blade, bend the chain backwards to meet the body of the launcher under the
body and just behind the dust cap.